Everglades Fishing Reports
Date: July 30, 2019

What to bring: You will need polarized sunglasses, a hat, sunblock, bug spray, something to eat and a wind breaker, (you can check with me a day or so before your trip for a weather / gear update.) I’ll have a cooler on board with a supply of ice and water. I have all the equipment we’ll need and more but you’re welcome to bring your favorite rods and lures, just let me know beforehand so I know what to pack. I use Penn reels and Ugly Stick rods because they’re tough and we’re going to abuse the heck out of them. Please don’t drop them overboard. You do not need a personal fishing license when you’re on a trip with a Florida charter captain.
There are several launch sites in Everglades City and Chokoloskee that I use depending on the weather, tides, and the plan for the day. Contact me a day or two before our trip for the exact meeting time and location.